the Advanced Visible and Near Infrared Radiometer type 2 (AVNIR-2)
sensor on-board the Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS) “DAICHI”.
The AVNIR-2 ORI product was created from AVNIR-2 1B1 data after stereo
matching with reference to ALOS’s Panchromatic Remote-sensing Instrument
for Stereo Mapping (PRISM)-derived DSM AW3D30. The orthorectification
process used AW3D30 DSM data when available and SRTM (The Shuttle
Radar Topography Mission) DSM data otherwise.
This dataset is contains orthorectified imagery from
the Advanced Visible and Near Infrared Radiometer type 2 (AVNIR-2)
sensor on-board the Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS) “DAICHI”.
The AVNIR-2 ORI product was created from AVNIR-2 1B1 data after stereo
matching with reference to ALOS’s Panchromatic Remote-sensing Instrument
for Stereo Mapping (PRISM)-derived DSM AW3D30. The orthorectification
process used AW3D30 DSM data when available and SRTM (The Shuttle
Radar Topography Mission) DSM data otherwise.
Name | Description |
B1 | Blue (0.42 - 0.50 µm) |
B2 | Green (0.52 - 0.60 µm) |
B3 | Red (0.61 - 0.69 µm) |
B4 | Near-Infrared (0.76 - 0.89 µm) |
Providers | |
JAXA Earth Observation Research Center (producer, licensor) | |
Google Earth Engine (host) | |
STAC Version | 0.6.0 |
Keywords | ALOS, AVNIR-2, EORC, JAXA, orthorectified, visible |
License | proprietary |
Temporal Extent | 4/25/2006, 5:00:00 PM - 4/17/2011, 5:00:00 PM |
Type | image_collection |
GSD | metersm |
Asset schema | {"name":"CENTER_ALTITUDE","description":"Satellite alitutude at scene center (km)","type":"DOUBLE"},{"name":"CENTER_FRAME_NUMBER","description":"Frame number of scene center (0000 to 7198)","type":"DOUBLE"},{"name":"CENTER_HEADING_ANGLE","description":"Satellite heading angle including Earth rotation at scene center (radians)","type":"DOUBLE"},{"name":"CENTER_SKEW_ANGLE","description":"Image skew angle at scene center (milli-radians)","type":"DOUBLE"},{"name":"CENTER_SOLAR_AZIMUTH","description":"Azimuth angle of the sun at scene center (°)","type":"DOUBLE"},{"name":"CENTER_SOLAR_ZENITH","description":"Solar elevation (zenith) angle of the sun at scene center (°)","type":"DOUBLE"},{"name":"CENTER_START_TIME","description":"Scene center time (UTC).","type":"STRING"},{"name":"INCIDENT_ANGLE","description":"Incident angle \"SNN.NNN\" (S: Incident direction R/L, NN.NNN degrees)","type":"STRING"},{"name":"ORBIT_DIRECTION","description":"Orbit direction (\"A\"/\"D\": ascending/descending)","type":"STRING"},{"name":"ORBIT_INCLINATION","description":"Nominal satellite orbit inclination (°)","type":"DOUBLE"},{"name":"ORBIT_CYCLE_PERIOD","description":"Nominal satellite orbit cycle period (min)","type":"DOUBLE"},{"name":"ORIENTATION_ANGLE","description":"Angle of the vertical axis of image frame from the map northing axis.","type":"DOUBLE"},{"name":"PROCESSING_DATE","description":"Processing date (JST)","type":"STRING"},{"name":"PROCESSING_FACILITY","description":"Processing facility.","type":"STRING"},{"name":"PROCESSING_SOFTWARE_VESRION","description":"Processing software version.","type":"STRING"},{"name":"PROCESSING_TIME","description":"Processing time (JST)","type":"STRING"},{"name":"PRODUCT_ID","description":"Product ID e.g: \"ABBBCCDE\"\n\n* A: Observation mode (\"O\")\n* BBB: Processing level (\"ORI\")\n* CC: Framing (\"RF\" Geo-reference, \"GT\", Geo-coded True-north\n\"GM\", Geo-coded Map-north),\n* D: Map projection (\"U\": UTM, \"P\": PS)\n* E: Sensor type (\"N\": nadir 35km, \"F\": forward 35km\n\"B\": backward 35km \"W\": nadir 70km)\n* A: AVNIR-2\n","type":"STRING"},{"name":"PRODUCT_NUMBER","description":"Product version number","type":"DOUBLE"},{"name":"RSP_ID","description":"RSP ID e.g: \"MPPPFFFFSN\"\n\n* M: Oribit direction (\"A\": ascending, \"D\": descending)\n* PPP: RSP path number (0 to 671)\n* FFFF: RSP frame number (0000 to 7199)\n* SN: Scene shift (\"-2\" to \" 2\")\n","type":"STRING"},{"name":"SATELLITE_NAME","description":"Satellite name.","type":"STRING"},{"name":"SCENE_ID","description":"Scene ID e.g. \"AABBBCDDDDDEEEE\"\n\n* AA: Satellite code (\"AL\": ALOS)\n* BBB: Sensor code (\"PSM\": PRISM, \"AV2\": AVNIR-2)\n* C: Sensor type (\"N\": nadir 35km, \"F\": forward 35km,\n\"B\": backward 35km \"W\": nadir 70km, \"A\": AVNIR-2)\n* DDDDD: Total orbit number of scene center (\"00001\" to \"99999\")\n* EEEE: Frame number of scene center, including scene shift\n(\"0000\" to \"7199\")\n","type":"STRING"},{"name":"SENSOR_CODE","description":"Sensor code (\"PSM\": PRISM, \"AV2\": AVNIR-2)","type":"STRING"},{"name":"SENSOR_TYPE","description":"Sensor type (\"N\": nadir 35km, \"F\": forward 35km, \"B\": backward 35km \"W\": nadir 70km, \"A\": AVNIR-2)","type":"STRING"},{"name":"TOTAL_ORBIT_NUMBER","description":"Total orbit number of scene center.","type":"DOUBLE"} |