The mosaics are created by using the MODIS 8-Day 500 meter
BRDF-Albedo Quality product. Data Quality flags are used to select
the best observations from the MODIS 8-day 500 meter Nadir
BRDF-Adjusted Reflectance imagery product. This specific mosaic picks
observations from the three highest quality categories over
a 3-year period of MODIS data.

The MODIS NBAR annual mosaics have been used by government
agencies and NGOs in tropical countries as input to generate
aboveground biomass/carbon maps. The Woods Hole Research Center has
been using the dataset for country capacity building and technical
training workshops in tropical countries.


Baccini, A. (Woods Hole Research Center), Sulla-Menashe, D. (Boston University) (producer, licensor)
Google Earth Engine (host)
STAC Version 0.6.0
Keywords albedo, bu, mcd43a4, modis_derived, nbar, reflectance, whrc
License proprietary
Temporal Extent 12/31/2001, 4:00:00 PM - now
Type image_collection
Cadence year